Ultimate Guide to Cleaning your Phone. How-to’s, tips, & FAQs (2024)

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Ultimate Guide to Cleaning your Phone. How-to’s, tips, & FAQs (1)

Bhushan Lele



Phone Cases

Mar 24, 2020

Ultimate Guide to Cleaning your Phone. How-to’s, tips, & FAQs (2)


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You have probably thought it at some stage, but also probably dismissed the thought just as quickly. What is that thought you ask? Well, just how dirty is my phone? Think about how most people use their phones on a daily basis. You take it everywhere with you, you use it on the train, and everywhere you go, you put it down on meeting tables, cafe tables, you take it to the bathroom (don’t pretend you don’t). Basically everything you touch in your daily life, you transfer this to your phone, and at the same time, your phone picks up unwanted bacteria and viruses from where you put it, or who you give it to.

Phones have been shown to have significantly more bacteria than a public toilet seat. And in more recent times, a Harvard resource for the COVID-19 virus has said that the virus can live for 2-3 days on plastic and stainless steel, which is largely what your phone is made from. In addition, it has been said that the virus can last longer in colder conditions, and many more studies are researching this deadly virus to find out more.

As a result of these findings, you really should clean your phone at least once daily, sterilize it around a couple of times a month, but maybe as much or more than you wash your hands every day when you’re sick or it has the potential to pick up unwanted viruses or bacteria. In these uncertain times of COVID-19, it makes sense to be cautious and take precautions wherever you can. So please clean your phone!

Table of Contents

Just How Dirty is My Phone?

Ultimate Guide to Cleaning your Phone. How-to’s, tips, & FAQs (3)

In perspective, according to the Seattle Times, your phone is harbouring up to around 25,000 bacteria per square inch (around 6.5 cm squared). This is around 20 times more than a toilet seat, 10 times more than a pet food bowl, 6 times more than a checkout touch screen, and 4-5 times more than a doorknob. Bluntly, it’s disgusting

  • Bacteria on your phone: 25,000+ per square inch
  • Bacteria on toilet seat: 1,200 per square inch

How to Clean and Disinfect Your Phone

There are many methods, and materials that you can use to help keep your phone clean, and to clean your phone. Some of these materials are available at home, some are specialist cleaning materials for phones, some work well, some only clean grease and dust, and some work well for everything. Here we’ll go through the various methods you can use to clean your phone, and list the pros of each method, and let you know exactly what they will clean or not clean.

Phone Cleaning Methods

  • Home Materials DIY
  • Rubbing Alcohol and Water
  • Antibacterial wipes
  • Alcohol based wipes
  • UV light

How to clean your phone with DIY home materials

Most of the time, you can clean your phone at home with materials you have in your kitchen or bathroom, with varying degrees of success.

Microfiber or soft cloths

Microfiber and other soft cloths are the most commonly known ways to clean a phone. Similar to eyeglasses, and other screens and gadgets, you can use soft or microfiber cloths to efficiently and effectively clean grease, smudges and fingerprints from your phone.


  1. Wash your hands
  2. Remove your phone case and wash separately
  3. Dampen your cloth with a bit of water, perhaps with a bit of soap mixed into it
  4. Gently wipe the cloth over the entire phone, front, back and sides, making sure to not miss anywhere
  5. If using soap, wet another part of the cloth and wipe again over the whole phone, to remove soap residue

Please note to not use too much water or soap, as this could lead to infiltration of the ports, and don’t use abrasive cloths or sponges, and they could damage the device.


  • Easy to do
  • Materials available in most households
  • Cleans smudges, grease and other from the phone
  • Can take cloths anywhere to clean your phone


  • May not clean bacteria and viruses from the surface
  • Could damage the phone if using too much water, be careful

Rubbing Alcohol and Water

This is another home based DIY way to clean your phone, and this way will actually sterilize your phone, and kill most bacteria and viruses present. While it is a DIY phone cleaning method, the materials are not typically found at home and you need to go our and buy them. But once you have it then you can use it a lot, and it’s probably the most cost-effective and effective method if used correctly.

Tools and Ingredients;

  • Water
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Spray bottle
  • Isopropyl alcohol, 70%


  1. Wash your hands
  2. Mix the water and Isopropyl Alcohol in a 50/50 mix, and pour into a clean spray bottle
  3. Shake to mix
  4. Spray onto microfiber cloth, and be sure to not make it too wet
  5. Remove phone case
  6. Wipe damp cloth over the whole phone, front, back and sides
  7. Use cotton bud dipped in the mixture to clean dirty ports and speakers, again, being careful to not make it too wet


  • Highly effective, will clean everything on phone, and will kill bacteria and viruses present
  • Cost-effective, as these ingredients by themselves are inexpensive, so the cleaning solution will last a very long time compared to buying single use cleaning wipes
  • More environmentally friendly, as there is less waste from packaging


  • Need to make sure the mixture is in the correct proportions
  • Is subject to making the cloth too wet, and causing damage by ingress
  • Not easily portable, more of a home-only method

Vinegar and water mix

A mix of vinegar and water is also a well known way to clean. Vinegar is natural, and has been found to be tough on bacteria, as well as being able to clean dirt and other substances. Vinegar has been used for a long time for household cleaning (and other cleaning), and this can be adapted to help clean your phone. Vinegar has been found to kill lots of household pathogens, and also to be effective in killing off the flu virus. Being such an easily found item, this makes it one of the easiest DIY phone cleaning methods that you can use.


  • White vinegar
  • Water
  • Container or spray bottle to mix it
  • Soft cloth


  • Mix solution of water to 50% water and 50% vinegar (ratio can differ, but this is a good one to stick with)
  • Add to spray bottle, or dip soft cloth into mixture
  • Gently rub phone on all surfaces, being careful that the cloth is damp but not wet


  • Easy
  • Vinegar available in most households
  • Vinegar kills a range of household pathogens and bacteria, and has been proven to kill the flu virus


  • Not easily portable, so not easy to use outside of the house
  • May not clean bacteria and viruses from the surface
  • Could damage the phone if using too much of the solution and it’s too wet, be careful
  • Will not kill all bacteria and viruses

Antibacterial or Disinfectant Wipes

If you don’t want to mix up your own cleaning solution, there are many ready made wipes that you can buy. As of March 2020, Apple has updated its guidelines to say that you can also use Clorox Disinfecting Wipes to clean your devices non porous surfaces, taking care not to get any in any opening.

Clorox disinfecting wipes claim to kill 99.9% of bacteria, germs and viruses that live on surfaces, and can be used on most surfaces. The ingredients of Clorox wipes can be found here.

Other antibacterial or disinfectant wipes can also be used on phones, but do check the labels to ensure that they are not corrosive or bleach based, as this may do damage to your phone.

However it is important to note that until further studies have been done, these products can not say whether they will kill the new COVID-19 virus.


  1. Remove from pack and gently wipe all edges and surfaces of phone
  2. Leave phone to dry


  • Easy to use
  • Convenient multi-packs
  • Travel friendly and quite portable


  • Not super portable, because of the big container
  • Not proven to kill COVID-19

Alcohol Based Wipes

Recently, Apple has also said that you can use 70% Alcohol based wipes to clean your devices, and it’s commonly known that alcohol has been used for many centuries to kill and disinfect. You’ve no doubt seen a movie where they pour alcohol from a bottle over a wound to help sterilize it, and it has been known to go as far back as ancient Egypt. So how exactly does alcohol kill bacteria? Without going into the detailed science of how it works, the simple term is ‘denaturation’, which essentially means that the properties of alcohol are attracted and attach to just about everything, and serve to break down molecules, including those of bacteria and viruses. If you want to find out more about this process, read it here. Pre-made mixtures for sale typically have a 70% alcohol content.

How to

  1. Remove from packet and gently rub all edges and sides of phone, and leave to dry (the alcohol portion will help the mixture evaporate quickly)


  • Portable sachet packets that can be carried in pockets easily or distributed to others
  • Effective in killing bacteria and viruses
  • Stays viable in packet for extended periods of time


  • Not very big
  • Lots of wasted packaging

UV Light Based Cleaning

Ultraviolet (UV) light is also a way of killing organisms. The light essentially performs a process on the target area, which destroys and disrupts the organism. If you want to read more about how this process works, please read more here. This is widely used in hospitals and the medical field, but in recent times, companies have taken this technology and made devices specifically to disinfect phones and other small gadgets and devices. One company such as PhoneSoap, has multiple styles and devices.


  • Effectively disinfect without cleaning agents or wipes
  • Safe and natural


  • Expensive
  • Not-easily portable
  • Takes time
  • Won’t clean off grease or fingerprints
  • Stock availability

How to clean phone cases

Most people use a case for their phone, to protect their valuable piece of technology from getting damaged or broken in day-to-day life, as it has been shown that these devices are susceptible to breakage, given they usually have a glass screen, and they are used everywhere.

However as with the phones themselves, the case is the frontline of contact with most things, so will also have the potential to be covered in germs, bacteria and viruses.

Phone cases come in a range of different materials as well, so here we’ll try to describe the best way to clean the most commonly found phone cases, however you should exercise caution when trying this at home, because this will not necessarily work for all phone cases in the same way. We recommend trying your method on a small part of the phone case first, and check that it does not damage the case.

Typically we recommend washing phone cases like you wash dishes in the sink, with a bit of soap, hot/warm water, and a soft washing/scrubbing cloth brush (non-abrasive) that you can use to gently wash the case. However there are different phone cases available, so we’ll give some advice for both below.

Hard, Gel and Silicone Cases

These are probably the easiest and least risky phone cases to wash, because they have gone through a heated process when they were manufactured, so are likely to be able to withstand the hot or warm water that can be used to clean them.

Hard, Gel and Silicone phone cases should be cleaned with a bit of dishwashing liquid, a soft cloth or non-abrasive scrubbing brush, and hot/warm water.

  1. Submerge the case in the warm soapy water, and gently rub or brush over the whole surface of the case.
  2. Take out of the water, rinse with cold water to remove any soap residue
  3. Leave in a ventilated and clean area to dry

The main potential problem with washing cases like this, is that if the case does have a print or custom logo on it, that it may be possible that with this method, the print starts to fade or be slowly washed from the surface of the case. However this won’t be likely to damage the functionality of the case.

This methods will thoroughly clean and disinfect your phone case from most bacteria and viruses.

Leather and Wallet Cases (real and pu/faux leather)

Cases made from leather such as hard leather cases and wallet style cases, can be a bit more difficult to clean.

Typically, PU/faux leather can be cleaned using soap and water, as per the method above, because PU leather is man-made and will withstand cleaning agents better than real leather.

Real leather on the other hand can become dry and cracked if using regular dishwashing soaps, so can possibly ruin the case.

  1. Check if your case is real or faux leather
  2. If faux leather, use the method above
  3. If real leather, read on
  4. Use a leather specific cleaner to clean the leather part of the case, and a one of the phone cleaning methods to clean the rest of the case that isn’t made from real leather
  5. Leave to dry, or for the cleaner/leather conditioner to work

Make sure to take not of the instructions on the leather cleaner/conditioner, and any instructions that may have come with the phone case.

Skins and Screen Protectors

Skins and screen protectors can also be cleaned, in similar ways. Make sure to wipe the skin and screen protector thoroughly, using any of the methods. Be careful with skins, as there is a possibility that some of the ink may run or fade over time.

With screen protectors, over time many of them start to loosen at the edges. This leaves a place underneath the edges, which is particularly vulnerable to harvesting bacteria and viruses. So we do recommend if the screen protector starts to become like this, that you either remove it completely or replace it with a new one. When replacing it, make sure that you clean the screen thoroughly before you reapply the new one.

What not to use to clean your phone and phone case!

While there are a lot of things that will effectively clean and disinfect and sanitize your phone and its case, there are many things that you should not use, as they may do permanent harm to your phone screens oleophobic coating (which most phones have to help repel fingerprints and oils from fingers and daily use). Here is a list of things that you should not use to clean your phone;

  • Bleach
  • Ammonia
  • Abrasive Powders
  • Hydrogen PEroxide
  • Aerosol Spray Cleaners
  • Window Cleaners
  • Regular Household Cleaners
  • Harsh Solvents

Tips and Tricks for keeping your phone clean

  • Wash your hands! Wash your hands! Wash your Hands! Most things will get onto your phone from your hands, so if your hands are cleaner, then this will keep your phone cleaner
  • Don’t put your phone down, or give it to anyone else to use or touch
  • Clean your phone very regularly, multiple times per day if you use it a lot or are outside in public areas a lot
  • Clean you phone case regularly as well as your phone
  • Use your phone less. Don’t take your phone to the bathroom, don’t hold it when you don’t need to etc
  • Make sure you wash your phone case

Where to Buy Phone Cleaners

Most materials are readily available at your local convenience store, and you are likely to have some of these in your home already. Depending on your needs, get what is convenient for you. Here’s a list of the products and where to buy them;

Microfiber Cloths – convenience stores and supermarkets

Soap – convenience stores and supermarkets

Vinegar – convenience stores and supermarkets

Isopropyl Alcohol – hardware stores and pharmacies/chemists

Spray Bottles – hardware stores

Antibacterial Wipes – supermarkets and online

Alcohol Based Wipes – online

UV Phone Cleaners – online

How to clean your phone video


Is a mobile phone dirty?

In perspective, a mobile phone has been proven to have as much as 18 times more bacteria than a public restroom.

Can COVID-19 survive on a mobile phone?

Yes, COVID-19 has been shown in a recent study to last several hours or days on different surfaces.

Can you clean COVID-19 from your mobile phone?

Yes, cleaning your phone, like your hands, can help to remove or inhibit the virus

Should you clean your phone?

Yes, your phone is used and touched hundreds of times per day on average, so likely should be washed or sterilized multiple times a day to be safe

How often should I clean my phone?

It depends on your use, however if you are outside and want to be cautious, you should sterilize your phone when you wash your hands

What products can I use to clean my phone?

There are many products that you can use to clean your phone, please read our guide above to see how to clean your phone effectively

What will disinfect my phone?

Multiple things have been shown to disinfect surfaces such as phones. These include natural substances such as vinegar, as well as rubbing alcohol, UV light and some specialised phone wipes. These things have been proven to safely clean phones. Be careful as some substances can harm phones.

Should I clean my phone case?

Your should clean your phone case, because it is also will come into contact with your hands and surfaces

Should I remove my phone case?

You don’t need to remove your case, but you should take care to clean your case as well as the surfaces of your phone

Should I clean my tablet and laptop?

You should also clean and sterilize your tablet and laptop, as well as other items that you touch regularly and that could be exposed to harmful pathogens

What about my phone’s oleophobic coating when cleaning it?

The oleophobic coating on mobile phones will diminish over time with normal use. Harsh cleaning may increase the rate it diminishes. You should not use harsh solvents or cleaning materials on your phone. Normal cleaning methods listed above may over time also help to diminish this coating, but are seen as a safe way to clean your phone

Can you use soap on your phone?

You shouldn’t use soap directly on your phone. Soap could perhaps be used on a phone if it were premixed with water and applied with a cloth. Be careful to not let any liquid enter into any ports or buttons

Does UV phone cleaner work?

UV light as a cleaning method has been proven to work and is used extensively in the medical field. In recent years, this technology has been used in some specialist phone cleaning machines

Can you use clorox wipes on your phone?

Apple has recently updated their care instructions, and do say that you can use clorox wipes on your Apple phones and devices. It is likely that this information can be used as a general rule for most devices from most manufacturers

Can you use lysol wipes on your phone?

There is no guidance on using lysol wipes by phone manufacturers

Can I use alcohol based wipes to clean my phone?

Alcohol based wipes can be (70% concentration) can be safely used on phones according to Apple

Are alcohol based wipes safe?

Alcohol wipes use a form of alcohol called Isopropyl alcohol, which is typically mixed with water and added to a small cloth. Because of the high concentration of alcohol, it evaporates quickly and safely

Helpful References

Coronavirus Resource Center by Harvard: https://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/coronavirus-resource-center

How to Clean your Apple products, Apple:https://support.apple.com/en-au/HT204172

Your Cell Phone is 10 Times Dirtier Than a Toilet Seat, Time: https://time.com/4908654/cell-phone-bacteria/

Does Alcohol Kill Bacteria? Sciencing: https://sciencing.com/alcohol-kill-bacteria-5462404.html

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