The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

Social--Theaters Radio News La 4-t 4 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION Springfield Republican SPRINGFIELD, JULY 9, 1939 us Mrs Frederick J. McLeod Mrs Bruce Barrows Bonner Miss Elizabeth Denison The wedding of Miss Eva Marie Borrner, daughter of Mr and Mrs Carl G. L. Borrner of Massachusetts avenue, and Dr Irad Benjamin Hardy, son of Rev and Mrs Irad B. Hardy of Waltham, was a recent event.

The couple will make their home at Boston. (Bachrach studio.) Mrs Russell John Sandstrom is the former Esther Louise Plancon, daughter of Mr and Mrs Eugene L. Plancon of Keith street. (Bachrach studio.) Mrs Bruce Barrows Bonner was before her recent marriage Dorothy Lois Griswold, daughter of Mr and Mrs Malcolm Reginald Griswold of Granby. The couple will make their home at 17 Jenness street upon their return from a motor trip.

(St Germain studio.) The wedding of Ruth A. Babco*ck, daughter of Mr and Mrs P. D. Babco*ck of Windsor, and Frederick J. McLeod, also of Windsor, took place recently at the Congregational church there.

(Brown studio.) Mr and Mrg Frank B. Denison of West Alvord street announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth, to Albert. Lee Weston, son of Mr and Mrs Charles A. Weston of Edgewood avenue. Longmeadow.

The wedding will be an event of Saturday, the 29th. (Steiger's studio.) Mr and Mra Jesse Boice of ('restwood street announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Jane Catherine, 'to William Donald Crocker, son of Mrs Jeannette Crocker of Fort Pleasant avenue. The wedding will be an event of August 12. (Steiger' studio.) Literary Club Announces Program For Season Opening On October 7 Forest Park Organization Will Feature Autobiogs raphies Next Year -Mrs Robert M. Sauers, Presi; dent, to Be Hostess at First Gathering A varied program, featuring autobiographies, has been planned for the 1939-40 scason of the Forest Park Literary club which will open October 7.

with a meeting at the home of the president, Mrs Robert M. Sauers of 121 Woodside terrace. Regular metings will be hold every two wecks at the homes of members and plans arc being made for the annual guest meeting which will be hold April 1. President's day will be observed October 2. Mrs ('harlos 1.

Peirce of Brimfield will be hostess for the first program meeting which will be held October Social-Theaters Radio News Russell John Sandstrom Resorts of New England Offer Varied Attractions For Summer Vacationists Advance of Season Sees Many Local and Longmeadow. Families Established at Recreation Centers Enjoying Programs Arranged for Their EntertainmentNew York World's Fair Objective of Motor Trips and Many From This Section Will Also Take in West Coast Exposition Hot Weather Makes Boating Popular Connecticut and Rhode Island Shores Have Made Swift Progress in Repairing Hurricane Damage Local Cottage Owners Join in Restoration Blandford Colonists Schedule Many Events, Including Afternoon Bridge-Tea and Formal Dances ULY, the popular vacation month, and Longmeadow established throughout New England enjoying their pleasure. Motor trips are are planning to go to the West Gate exposition and the many places motor trips are also being planned, at the New York World's fair. Still many members of the younger set this vicinity. Hurricane Damage Repaired Despite the damage done along the Connecticut and Rhode Island shores by the hurricane last September many local people have repaired their cottages and are established there for the season.

Maine, New Hampshirc and Vermont resorts Ato also receivring their share of vacationists from this section 08 Are several of the VAcation spots throughout Now York state. As in past years the Springfield colony at Blandford is a largo one and an active summer program has been planned by A hostess committee headed by Mra Albert D). Shaw of this city. The second of A series of afternoon bridge ten. is arranged for Tuesday afternoon.

Two formal dances are also listed for the season, members of the younger set from this city serving 011 the general committee. Among those planning vacations at this time and Airs Warner B. Sturtevant and daughters, Misses Harriet and Marion Sturtevant, and son, Warner Sturtevant, will leave today for a week's stay in the White mountains. They will he located at Pinkham Notch from where they expect to take several hiking trips. Dr and Mrs Corncliua S.

Hurlbut of P'rospect street, East Longineadow, have with them for A visit their sonin-law and daughter, Mr and Drs Merrill 1. Dawson and son, Dickie, of Yellow Springs, 0. Mr and Mrs John Reynders of Worcester are on a trip 10 the West coast where they will visit the Golden Gate exposition. Mrs Reynders is the former Louise Rickert, daughter of Mr And Mra Fred C. Rickert of Princeton street.

John and Thomas Reyn- Mrs Irad Benjamin Hardy, Jr. 44th Annual Floral Show Of Lenox Horticultural Club Engages Berkshires Six Garden Clubs Cooperate With Organization for Success of Affair at Lenox Town Hall Thursday and Friday Bronze Medal Will Be Awarded to Any Outstanding Exhibit -Garden Center Benefit at Playhouse Thursday Planned by Committee Headed by Mrs John C. Lynch -South Mountain Temple of Music Sunday Chamber Concerts Begin This Afternoon Trout and Black Bass Fishing Reported Good- -More Summer Residents Arrive Special Dispatch to The Sunday ERKSHIRE HILLS, JULY are annual cooperating flower show with at the the Lenox These organizations are the W. Rockwood Gibbs, president; Pittsfield, Great Barrington, Richmond These clubs are in charge of chairman of the exhibition committee. medal will he awarded to any outstanding tive classes open to all and six for signed to Berkshire Garden center.

Oldest Berkshire Floral Group Lenox Horticultural society, oldest association of its kind in Berkshire, was organized in 1893. The only two charter members now living are Alfred J. Loveless of Pittsfield. retired, one -time superintendent of John Sloanc's Wyndhurst estate at Lenox, and George H. Thompson, superintendent of Mrs Carlos M.

do Heredia's estate, Wheatleigh, at Lenox. Mr Love. less has been treasurer of the society for 26 years. The committee in charge of the Garden Center benefit. at Berkshire Playhouse Thursday night consists of Mrs John C.

Lynch, chairman; Mrs W. Rock wood Gibbs, Drs Cart A. de Gersdorff, Mrs William Felton Barrett and Mrs Owen Johnson. Mrs Charles James Kittredge of Dalton will entertain the Richmond Garden club at her home Tuesday and the speaker will 10 Ernest K. Thomas, secretary of the lhode Island Horticultural society, on "Some basic principles of successful gardening." In South Mountain Temple of Music built at Pittsfield in 1018 by Mrs Frederick S.

Coolidge, the summer of cight Sunday chamber music concerts concerts starts tomorrow at 4 D. m. al'0 given by South Mountain quartet. Willem Willcke, director. Mry Coolidge at present is at Oakland, nud may be at l'ittsfield later in the season.

Prof Albert Sprague Coolidge of Harvard, and Mrs Coolidge, who were recent guests of Mr and Mrs Willeke at Mountain house, have departed for Mexico City. 'The white-painted. cupola -topped temple is open to the rafters. Its grent timbers, 40 fect long are a foot square. Uprights and wide, rough hoards came front A.

century -old textile mill at Jinsdale. Its cushioned pews scating 600 persons alc from FL Methodist church at Concord. N. I. Spending 10 days with Mr and Mrs Thomas Blodgett at Great farm, Great.

Barrington, aro Mr and Mrs Donald R. Richberg of Washington, D. Dr Albert Britt. retired prosident of Knox college. Galesburg.

and Mrs Britt. Several parties have I Miss Jane Catherine Boice Union and Republican garden clubs of Berkshire county Horticultural society in its 44th Lenox town hall Thursday and Friday. Richmond and Northern Berkshire, Mrs Lenox, Mrs Owen Johnson, president; Valley and North Adams clubs. decorative arrangements with Mrs Gibbs The Horticultural society bronze exhibit. There are 111 competiamateurs.

Large space has been as- heen arranged for them. Mrs Charles Kockhill is having a luncheon at Crane hill, Great Barrington, Wednesday and Mrs Albert. H. Spahr. a luncheon at Fair Brook farm, North Egremont, Friday.

Dr Britt and Mrs Blodgett are Knox college graduates. Dr and Mrs Britt are spending the summer at Nonquit, Cape Cod. Mrs Shaun Kelly of Richmond, who is the former Miss Charlotte B. 4 Crocker of Fitchburg, is giving the 1190 of her lawn at Glen Crannie farm Tuesday evening for the third in a series of community suppers for benefit of Richmond Congregational church. On Saturday, the 22d.

Mr and Mrs Darwin Spurr Jicrse (Kate Winthrop) are to have a 11-class afternoon horse show at. Green Meads, Richmond, as a church benefit. Trout Caught at Onota Large rainbow trout are being caught at. Onota lake, D'ittsfield. The 600-acre lake is kept well stocked by Pittsfield Sportsmen's club and Onota Lake Rainbow Trout Rearing association.

regards fine fishing at Onota as a community enterprise an asset and recently more than $2000 was raised by public subscription to maintain the trout rearing stations at Great Radium springs. This week a 21-inch rainbow weighing pounds was caught from Onota. All Berkshire lakes are now open to black bass fishing. The bass sport is running high at 65-ucre Felton pond. October mountain, state forest, Washington.

All-summer patrons of the Curtis hotel at Lenox include Mr and Mrs Henry C. Cryder, Mrs Benjamin C. Porter, Miss Harriet K. Welles. Mra C.

Wickliffe Yulee, New York city; Mrs James Wood and Miss Amy J. Cox of South Norwalk, Mrs: 1. Griswold Hollister and. Miss Olive C. Colton of Toledo, 0.

Mr and Ars Homer Saint Gaudens of Pittsburg. are visiting Edward Duff Balken at Shawenon farm, North Egremont, while on the way (Continued on Page 2-C). ALICE MAE SMITH IN CHURCH BRIDAL Marries Brinton Proctor Allen of Stroudsburg, Pa. Rev Dr Orville T. Fletcher Officiates Miss Alice Mae Smith of Catharine street and Brinton Proctor Allen, son of Mr and Mrs Brinton Paine Allen of Stroudsburg, were married yesteday afternoon at 4 at Park Congregational church.

Rev Dr Orville T. Fletcher, pastor of Wachogue Community church and former pastor of Park Congregational church, perforined the ceremony using the singlering service. Allen Kirk, organist, played the traditional wedding marches, and Dounc Thomas wag SOJoist. The bride who was attended by her gown of royal blue chiffon with white sister, a Mrs Jessie E. Thomas, wore A accessories and corsage of gardenias and American Beauty roses.

Mrs Thomas wore rose chiffon with white accessories and corsage of pink beauty roses. David F. Allen served his brother as best man, and Robert M. Smith. brother of the bride, and Charles S.

Allen, brother of the groom, ushered. A reception for members of the two families followed in the church parlors. Assisting the party in the receiving line were Mrs Mabel E. Smith, mother of the bride, and and Allen, parents of the groom. Sirs Smith wore a gown of orchid sheer with corsage of Johanne Hill roses and orchid swect peas, and Mrs Allen, wore blue chiffon with corsage of Briarcliffe roses and blue sweet neas.

Assisting in serving were Mrs Robert Smith. Mrs Alexander Brand, Mrs Richard Alvord and Miss Eleanor Smith. The couple have left for motor trip to the World's fair at New York city and will visit at Washington, D. before returning to make their home at 89 Catharine street, where they will be at home to friends after October 1. The bride was graduated from the (Continued on l'age 2-C).

I VIOLET DESILETS BRIDE YESTERDAY Marries Karl Albert Vester at All Saints' Episcopal -Rev F. C. Wheelock Performs Ceremony All Saints' Episcopal church was the scene yesterday afternoon at 4.30 of the wedding of Miss Violet Lillian Desilets, daughter of Mrg C. Lillian Desilets 22 Hall street, and Karl Albert. Lester.

son of Ar. and Airs William S. Willard of 51 Lyndale street. Rev Frank C. Wheelock, pastor.

performed the ceremony, using the double-ring service. Alfred R. Lincoln played the wedding music. Decorations wore of palms and large baskets ot gladioli. Sister Attends Bride tor, Florence Emily Desileta A8 The bride, was attended by her sismaid of honor, and Joan Carole.

Vestor, niece of the groom, 1'29 flower girl. Norman R. Vester served his brother as best man, and George F. Vester, another brother, and Morton I. Read ushered.

The bride wore a princess gown of frost white mousseline de soic embossed in "love knot" design and fashioned with court train. Her fingertip veil ed of illusion which fell from a bonnet of lace was trimmed with orange blossoms, and she carried A bouquet of gardenias, lilies of the valley and pink sweetheart roses. The maid of honor wore copen blue point 'esprit with 7 tiered skirt, and tiara of varigated colored flowers. Her bouquet was of pink roses and light blue delphinium. The flower girl wore a long gown of cameo pink net made with tiered skirt, and she also wore a tiara of colored flowers.

Her flowers were pink and white sweet pens and deep blue delphinium. Reception Follows Wedding .1. reception followed the ceremony in the parish house where the bridal party was assisted in receiving guests the mother of the bride and parents of the groom. Mrs Desilets wore 3. gown of French blue lace trimmed (Continued on l'age 2-C) finds many families from this city at the numerous summer resorts the varied programs planned for also popular this scason and many coast where they will visit the Golden of interest on the way.

Shorter several of which will include visits others are planning boat trips, and are established at camps located in ders are staying with their grandparents in this city. Miss Margaret Mohler, daughter Prof and Mrs Frank M. Mohler of Dunmoreland street, 1 is established Silver Bay, N. for tho summer. Mrs Mohler and Miss Doris Mac.

with Miss Mohler meal spent the weckCrackon of Longmondow motored end there. 0 0 .00 Mary Collins of W'ilmont stret. loft yesterday for n. work's visit at city where she will visit 1110 World's a fair. Next work sho will spend lye beach, N.

Y. Mr and Mrs Albert D). Shaw and family of Magnolia terraco are oStablished for the season nt Blandford. Mr and Mrs (. Burney of Hillside avenue, Longmeadow, are spending the season at their suminer hoing at Lake Sunapeo, N.

Their sons, John and Gordon. are with them. Mrs John DuMond and daughter, Miss Nancy DuMond, of Ormond strect, are vacationing at Groton Long Point, Ct. 0 0 Mary Ann Radasch, daughter of Mr and Mrs Edmund J. ladasch of Birnie road, Longmeadow.

is six nding two weeks at Camp Mishqua, Westfield. Other Longmeadow girls at the camp include Nancy Carpenter. Constance Dickinson and Helen Shaw. Mr and Mrs John Ahearn of Warrel terrace, Longincadow, Arc eatablished for the season at. their summer home at Fortune's Rock, Me.

Mra Robert M. Wallace of Mulberry street has loft for Tolland whor* aha will he established at the Tunxis club for the remainder of the month. 16. Mrs Frank O. Putney will ho in charge of the program and will view "Autobiography With Letters of William Lyon l'helps." The second October meeting.

scheduled for the 30th. will be held at the home of Mrs Henry R. Johnson of 53 Fairfield street. "Modern American Poetry," by Louis Untermeyer, will he reviewed by Mrs Edwin Calderwood. November Gathering, Mrs Stephen I.

Tabor of 1607 Longmeadow street, Longmeadow, will he hostess. for the November 13 meeting 4 (Contluued on fa*ge 2-C)..

The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.