Shanir said she didn't look good, and thanks to that Mor Radmi got engaged (2024)

Mor Radmi and Shnir Shalu met under the canopy in the last season of "Wedding at first sight". They were the only couple who did not finish the program, who broke up and retired shortly before the decision episode, and they are remembered in the public mainly because of one painful moment that shrunk us all, when he whispered to a friend during the wedding that the bride did not look good enough in his eyes. He continued to pump up this statement in various ways throughout the season in his photographic testimonies, but only at a relatively late stage in the relationship did he admit to Redmi herself that he was not attracted to her. We were all offended for her and she also took it to heart - but now we can say that the timing of the events is the one thanks to which, in fact, Radmi got to meet her future husband, David.

"Right before the show aired, a friend of mine from work, Adi, said that he might have someone for me. He called his wife, asked her what she thought about hooking up, and she hesitated, so I gave up," Radmi tells how things happened. "Even so, the show just started, and it was a stage where I said 'no' to everyone. It was too much. After some time, Adi came to my apartment to help me plant flowers in planters. I went into the house to get a drink, and when I returned to him on the balcony, he said to me, 'You don't Believe me, who just passed by on the way to running in the sea - David.' So I said that maybe the universe is trying to imply something to me, and 'Come on, give him my number.'

Dress: Elisabetta Franki | Photo: Rotem Labell

Radmi and David talked for a few days, then arranged to meet. "During the broadcast of the show, I was not allowed to go out on dates in public, so we met in his garden in an apartment in Tel Aviv. On the way, while I was walking to his place, Mekeshet called me and informed me what was going to be in the promo for the upcoming episode. It is normal that they call to tell us what is going to be in the promo, so that we are not surprised , but this time it was the promo where Shnir says about me in the hood that I don't look good enough."

Oh wow." Yes. And while I'm going on my first date with someone I have no idea what he looks like. I'm all nervous."

Did it annoy you?" Of course. It wouldn't have annoyed you? I knew it didn't work between Shanir and me, but you have to know that it didn't work and you have to know that someone said about you that you're not beautiful. I got to David nervous, he opens the door for me and I tell him in English, 'Do you have any water?' The next day I came home from work and I see a giant ficus outside my door, with a note saying, 'You're not just good looking, you're more than that.'

White suit: reserved | Earrings: Nanig | Belt: Elisabetta Franki | Top and shoes: private collection | Photo: Rotem Labell

The rejection again floated

The relationship, which started about a year ago, faltered quite a bit before settling down - and three weeks ago the couple announced that they were engaged. "It wasn't easy for me in our beginning," Radmi recalls. "There were a lot of mixed feelings between me and myself. He was interested from the beginning, and he didn't hide it for a moment. He was the most manly, the most direct, the most undocumented. I had a hard time. The program causes noses and downs, and it masks all of life. You live the This, you see things that you didn't know happened. You get a lot of looks from the audience, it comes with a lot of noise around you. It also floods you with feelings, not necessarily romantic ones, because it's something that never happened before It flooded me with rejection again."

for everyone. The people of Israel were collectively angry at Shanir. "Yes. They were angry with him. The editing didn't flatter him at all either. We also had a lot of great moments. He also said a lot of good things, and they didn't show it. I feel like it's taken from another life, as if five years have passed, even though it's been less than a year. The program It ended less than a month before the war started."

Dress: reserved | Photo: Rotem Labell

What does the "married" experience look like to you now, looking back?" I had a great time. I would do it again. It gave me a cap on the system in terms of everything, in terms of how I conduct myself in a relationship. I learned to stay with the feeling and not be impulsive. The relationship with David is not It came easily to me. It wasn't straight fireworks, butterflies, unicorns. I stopped, looked, lingered, went, came back."

Redmi (35) states that she is not one to fall in love quickly - on the contrary, according to her, she would tend to cut off romantic ties without giving a real chance. "I have girlfriends who are constantly in relationships, ending one and starting another. I really envied them. I had three or four relationships, but most of my life I was single. Not a sad single person who sits at home and cries about Mr. Fate, I always had fun, I really enjoyed it. But I was also a coward. I lost a lot of good people. With David, I said there was no way I was giving it up. But he was all in, and he said Me, 'shut up, you know what I want, you know how to get me.' .

What kind of job?" I was digging about it with the psychologist, with myself and with a lot of people. My girlfriends said that I just needed someone to confide in, and it really suited me. Then October 7th came, I was at David's because we had a few bumps on the way back, And when I saw how he behaved that morning, I understood everything."

White suit: reserved | Earrings: Nanig | Belt: Elisabetta Franki | Top and shoes: private collection | Photo: Rotem Labell

How was he doing?" He has good friends in Barry and he was supposed to be there at a barbecue with his whole reserve team that day. All of a sudden he got messages from the friend who lives there about what he was hearing outside the door. I have family in the bad guys, so I immediately bombarded them with messages. There I also had a friend who was on the run. His friends were fine, but my friend's wife was fine. The friend who ran away from Nova was fine. But this day made me realize That I have someone to trust. What happened that day caught me in a real and sensitive place. If I was single, I wouldn't call my parents, who were very worried , but they didn't know how to manipulate the situation. You hear stories all the time about women who called their husbands or their partners and they rushed there with the car and guns and rescued them, at best. And all the time it brought me back to being single and going through it alone."

At that point, did you realize that you wanted to?" No. Even during the war, I went and came back, I wasn't closed in on myself. I realized that it was only in January. He had been out of a sequence of reserves since October, I was on leave from work, and we closed Thailand from one day to the next. We were there for two weeks and that was So natural, calm and pleasant together, that I said, 'OK, there's no question here at all'. We came back, I left my apartment and we moved in together in his apartment."

Dress: Elisabetta Franki | Photo: Rotem Labell

When the new relationship of the reality star was revealed in the media, she was mostly cheered by the audience - but there were also other voices, who criticized the appearance of the new partner. Redmi is not ready to give this issue much weight. "It's so insignificant," she says. "At first it bothered me that I was taller and wider than him, but it later passed because I insisted to myself that it was completely marginal when it comes to such a special person and with so many virtues, charisma and qualities that I wished my partner would have."

Until the next reality show, no one will remember you

From the moment they moved in together it was only a matter of time until the marriage proposal arrived. "I realized that it was going to happen soon, because David told me from the beginning that he didn't come to play games," Radmi shares. "But it still surprised me very much. I came back from work on Thursday, and it happened at home. I was very excited, I couldn't breathe. Later that evening we were supposed to go to dinner with his sister and her husband, and in the meantime we sent a picture of the happy moment to friends and family and everyone bombarded us with messages. We arrived at the place we arranged with his sister, I go in and see that all the people I sent messages to are waiting for us there."

White suit: reserved | Earrings: Nanig | Belt: Elisabetta Franki | Top and shoes: private collection | Photo: Rotem Labell

Where does it stand now, will there be a wedding soon or is this just a statement of intent?" I have a project at work that I'm really all about, and it ends at the end of the month. That's my deadline to start manipulating things. Everyone has made their guest lists, except me. We need To figure out how to manipulate it, David has family in London and we are thinking of flying them here, we haven't decided what and how yet."

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What do you imagine?" I have a lot of fantasies. I have a vision of producing a desert. It's the most expensive thing in history, so it probably won't happen. I also want a Yemeni henna with all the construction on my head. It's an event, and it's also a production and money. I want a fun bachelorette party. I don't know if I want a mega-carnival or something. We'll start by closing the invitations, and I hope the wedding will happen September".

White suit: reserved | Earrings: Nanig | Belt: Elisabetta Franki | Top and shoes: private collection | Photo: Rotem Labell

Were your parents happy with the news?" You can't help but fall in love with David, you can't miss what a good man he is. That's the thing that buys everyone. Even in his picture you can see that he has very good eyes. He called to ask for my parents' blessing before he proposed to me ".

Did you feel that your parents put pressure on you to get married over the years?" Yes, mother. 'Well, what's going on? What is it?'. At Friday dinners, my mother is like, 'What about you? When will you come?'. Until one day I got in their way, I simply asked, 'Do you think it's fun for me to come here alone and see my young cousins? You think it's easy for me? You think I don't want to?' Then they realized that it just wasn't going to work, and that was the end of the matter."

Are you thinking about children? "Yes. Unequivocally. The corona virus really messed with my brain, I realized that I want to be a mother and I'm really ready for it. David too. It's not critical for me what comes first, marriage or children. I don't know how fast it happens at my age. At 33, When I did egg freezing, I would sit with young girls who couldn't get pregnant."

Are you happy that you froze eggs?" Very much. It relieved my stress."

Dress: Elisabetta Franki | Photo: Rotem Labell

Did you think you wouldn't find the one?" Sure. I didn't understand why it didn't work for me all the time, why it worked for everyone and not for me? And if it didn't happen until now, why would it? I actually already had a plan with my gay friends to co-parent. Not in the sense of self-pity, but I really didn't see where it could come from."

The last season of "Wedding at First Sight" ended with four couples in a close and promising relationship: Tal Rua and Ron Schwartz, Chen Derix and Yossi Ezra, Yoana Boyev and Tomer Bedug and Raz Eitan and Einav Kafir. Although it seemed that these were serious and strong couples, they all broke up in the months after the broadcast of the program, except for Raz and Einav. Radmi, whose relationship ended, as mentioned, before the end of the program, is actually the first contestant from the season to get engaged.

How did the girlfriends react to the show about the engagements?" They were the cutest, the most deceitful. I was hesitant to send to my girlfriends, because I know that when I saw these pictures I would be embarrassed. I didn't like to announce it, but I knew it would get to them sooner or later, so I preferred it to come from me."

Do you have a tip for the brides and grooms of the coming seasons?" Don't read talkbacks. Saves a lot of time and heartache. And, mostly-mostly, and I'm a wise man saying this now, not to take it too hard. Until the next reality show, no one will remember You really. National memory is very short."

Leotard: zohara | Earrings: nanig | Photo: Rotem Labell

I've always felt comfortable with Instagram

This week, Radmi shared with her followers on social media that after six years she chose to end her job as an event manager at Facebook - a shiny job that is not easy to give up. "Everyone I told that I decided to leave Facebook said to me, 'Why, you don't leave something like that, people all their lives strive to reach this level of salary and stability.' Everyone was against leaving, but after I explained to them for five minutes they said, 'Oh- Kay, then leave.'"

How is it?" When you see someone who is thirsty for new experiences, you can't tell them to stay where they are. There is desire, hope and belief that I can really do other good and great things, and with that I go free, into unemployment, whatever we call it."

It was not an easy decision for Redmi. "I didn't sleep for a month or so before I decided, because who leaves such a company?", she says. "Full of tears, I changed my mind every day, it was really hard for me to make the decision. But I felt that I had to make a change, that I had to try other things, and that probably the best time is now before I have children, a mortgage and bigger commitments in life."

So what's the plan next?" I'm going on vacation. I want air, to breathe, to think. All my life I've worked, and it took me a long time to digest that I'm going out into uncertainty. David put it in my face, 'You'll be fine even if you don't Now work for a year."

Dress: Elisabetta Franki | Photo: Rotem Labell

In the meantime, Redmi maintains an Instagram page with about 60,000 followers, uploads sponsored collaborations and plays with the love of exposure and the desire to develop in the field. "Even before 'Hatunami' I was very active on Instagram. Although I had a small community, but loyal, strong and engaged, the followers were literally in the loop of everything. There was a lot of content, I was always active, taking pictures of what I was wearing. These are not new things, It just grew. I always felt comfortable with Instagram. It helps me to vent, and it helps others a lot."

So now would you like to develop this as a main source of income?" I wouldn't want to go in the direction of full-time Instagram, because I'm a coward. I perceive it as unstable, and I like stability. It's nice on the side, and kudos to those who manage to create a regular income from it , but I think it's less suitable for me. I'm picky, I refuse commercial offers because authenticity is important to me."

Do you enjoy the media exposure? "I like it. I see that I'm good at it. I didn't know that about myself before. I really like, for example, being offered to come to 'Galit and Ilanit' on Friday. I love it, give me all day to dig."

White suit: reserved | Earrings: Nanig | Belt: Elisabetta Franki | Top and shoes: private collection | Photo: Rotem Labell

It is not for nothing that only the first name of Redmi's intended son-in-law is written in all the publications. David (44) immigrated to Israel from England at the age of 24, he deals in real estate and his approach to social media and exposure is completely opposite to that of his future bride: he is against, not connected and not interested. "He can't understand why I do it, he doesn't understand what The thing is to put your life out there. It's like talking to a wall. He said that if we had met today and he would have seen how many followers I have on Instagram, he would have said 'no'. He feels it's a fake, he doesn't like it."

So how does it work?" He understands that it's a part of me and has to accept it, he simply prefers that I reveal as little as possible of what concerns our life together. He doesn't like me taking pictures at home, but in my house I would take pictures of everything. So we meet somewhere in the middle."

In terms of dreams and ambitions, what will be your next occupation?" I have a lot of directions in my mind. To design my own things, clothes or underwear for good sizes, or walk all day on the runway and model underwear. I really like to show off my body, that I am a real woman. I will probably take any campaign. I also want to enter the world of non-profits and 'do good', even if a high-tech company comes and offers me an interesting offer, and I am always laughed at when I will have my own program. So hosting on TV is also something I'm very attracted to, I have a lot of fantasies."

Photo: Rotem Labell Styling: Corinne Swede | Makeup: Noa Levy Hair: Raz Arbiv Production: Tal Politi

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Shanir said she didn't look good, and thanks to that Mor Radmi got engaged (2024)


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