How do you get to Spades over interference? (2024)

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    How do you get to Spades over interference?

    #1How do you get to Spades over interference? (5) 32519

    • Insane 2-Diamond Bidder
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      Posted 2013-January-08, 15:42

      This hand came up at our local club tonight:

      What now? How do you find the fit? Or do you give up on the auction as South? The South's who chose to pass felt done in when the contract made.

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      #2How do you get to Spades over interference? (12) dustinst22

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        Posted 2013-January-08, 15:47

        32519, on 2013-January-08, 15:42, said:

        This hand came up at our local club tonight:

        What now? How do you find the fit? Or do you give up on the auction as South? The South's who chose to pass felt done in when the contract made.

        Just unlucky, I dont think South can act here as it could be very dangerous. Happens. Next board.

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        #3How do you get to Spades over interference? (18) hrothgar

        • How do you get to Spades over interference? (19)How do you get to Spades over interference? (20)How do you get to Spades over interference? (21)How do you get to Spades over interference? (22)How do you get to Spades over interference? (23)How do you get to Spades over interference? (24)How do you get to Spades over interference? (25)How do you get to Spades over interference? (26)How do you get to Spades over interference? (27)How do you get to Spades over interference? (28)How do you get to Spades over interference? (29)
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          Posted 2013-January-08, 15:52

          You don't
          (Note that you also don't find spades without interference)

          Some people play negative doubles after interference over NT opening (I do)
          However, I would double a DON'T type 2 overcall because I have zero tolerance for clubs

          Alderaan delenda est

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          #4How do you get to Spades over interference? (30) wank

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            Posted 2013-January-09, 06:22

            hrothgar, on 2013-January-08, 15:52, said:

            (Note that you also don't find spades without interference)

            let me introduce you to my friend, Mr. Stayman.

            i would bid X or bid 2H btw over 2D (unhelpfully, more likely the latter, though west would raise to 3D which we might defeat). most people don't have a natural 2D available so we need to take a little risk to recover at love all MPs.

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            #5How do you get to Spades over interference? (39) 32519

            • Insane 2-Diamond Bidder
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              Posted 2013-January-09, 08:23

              On this hand, without any opposition interference South would start off with Stayman followed by Crawling Stayman if opener responds 2. But here there is opposition interference; 2 was either natural or DONT.

              So how about this for a solution:
              After the 2 overcall, X by South would be “stolen bid” asking North to transfer to (this is what actually happened at our table). When the bidding got back to West the second time round, he bid 3 which made (5X tricks, 3X tricks and 1X trick).
              I am suggesting that over 3, South should X a second time as a Smolen type of bid, 5X and 4X. Now North can bid the 4/4 fit.

              Can this work? Yes? No? Maybe?

              With East on lead, the A or K will be tabled to have a look at dummy. Seeing a doubleton in dummy, East may well take the second winner as well. If he does it will allow North to discard the loser in dummy on the Q. The rest of the hand can be cross-ruffed after losing the second to the opponents and should make.

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              #6How do you get to Spades over interference? (46) Fluffy

              • World International Master without a clue
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                Posted 2013-January-09, 09:32

                32519, on 2013-January-09, 08:23, said:

                So how about this for a solution:

                Systems based on solutions for specific hands are full of useless conventions that never show up, adn when they do, only 1 player remembers them

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                #7How do you get to Spades over interference? (59) hrothgar

                • How do you get to Spades over interference? (60)How do you get to Spades over interference? (61)How do you get to Spades over interference? (62)How do you get to Spades over interference? (63)How do you get to Spades over interference? (64)How do you get to Spades over interference? (65)How do you get to Spades over interference? (66)How do you get to Spades over interference? (67)How do you get to Spades over interference? (68)How do you get to Spades over interference? (69)How do you get to Spades over interference? (70)
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                  Posted 2013-January-09, 10:25

                  32519, on 2013-January-09, 08:23, said:

                  After the 2 overcall, X by South would be “stolen bid” asking North to transfer to (this is what actually happened at our table).

                  Given that the Newton Individual was last weekend, it seems appropriate to bring up the following:

                  I have long maintained that the scariest eight words in bridge are "You play stolen bid doubles, don't you dearie?"

                  Alderaan delenda est

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                  #8How do you get to Spades over interference? (72) cherdano

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                    Posted 2013-January-09, 10:54

                    As South, I would double 2 any day of the week. We have 19-21 hcp. I am not letting them play at the 2-level in their 8-card fit when we can play at the 2-level in our 8-card fit instead.

                    And that's before I checked it's all white at matchpoints.

                    The easiest way to count losers is to line up the people who talk about loser count, and count them. -Kieran Dyke

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                    #9How do you get to Spades over interference? (82) JLOGIC

                    • 2011 Poster of The Year winner
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                      Posted 2013-January-09, 11:02

                      I would probably just bid 2H. X seems likely to be bad if partner passes, bids 2N, or bids 3C. I gain when he bids 2S but I don't like those odds.

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                      #10How do you get to Spades over interference? (91) ggwhiz

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                        Posted 2013-January-09, 11:37

                        I'm doubling in a partnership that will respond in a 3 card major in a pinch. We generate a lot of swings playing in a 4-3 major fit and a few of them are good.

                        My biggest concern is if it goes float and I wouldn't risk it if I had a stiff petunia in diamonds instead of Tx.

                        ps. I'm in the fear and loathing camp when I see stolen bids in a bbo profile.... unless they are opps.

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                        How do you get to Spades over interference? (2024)


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