Gravity Forms Review: Is It the Best WordPress Form Plugin? (2024)

Every WordPress website needs at least one form. A site might need contact forms, email opt-in forms, surveys, quizzes, registration forms, feedback forms, payment forms…and that’s not even the full list – there are a lot of different forms!

Forms are important for various reasons. On a lot of sites, a form might be how you find work, grow your email list, get paid, connect with peers, and more. If your forms aren’t optimized, that could mean big issues.

Basically, you want to do your site’s forms right – and that means choosing the best tool for the job.

When it comes to creating forms on WordPress, Gravity Forms is one of the biggest names in the space.

It’s especially popular with WordPress developers and site builders because you can use it for pretty much any type of form, but it’s still beginner-friendly enough for anyone to use and benefit from.

In our hands-on Gravity Forms review, we’re going to take a detailed look at this popular option.

You’ll learn how it works, what it does well, and where it may fall short. By the end, the goal is that you’ll be able to decide if Gravity Forms is the right tool for your site and use case.

What Does Gravity Forms Do?

Gravity Forms Review: Is It the Best WordPress Form Plugin? (1)

Gravity Forms is a full-featured WordPress form plugin. That means it helps you create pretty much any type of form on your WordPress site.

While that includes creating a simple contact form, Gravity Forms can also help you create much more advanced types of forms, which is one of its strong points.

As you can see in the screenshot above, Gravity Forms positions itself as more than just a “form plugin” – it’s “powerful data capture”.

Here are some examples of the types of forms that you can create:

  • Contact forms – create basic contact forms and send yourself notifications (as well as storing submissions in your WP Admin).
  • Payment forms – create payment forms and accept payments directly from the form using processors like Stripe, PayPal,, and more. You can even offer coupons.
  • Lead generation forms create lead generation forms that automatically add contacts to your customer relationship manager (CRM) or email marketing service.
  • WordPress user registration forms – create custom registration forms to let people register on your site.
  • Surveys – create short or long surveys and analyze responses from your WP Admin.
  • Polls – create simple or advanced polls and display the results on your site.
  • Quizzes – create quizzes including custom grading and quiz results.
  • Customer feedback – create forms to gather customer feedback and ratings, including methods like NPS (Net Promoter Score), Likert surveys, and more.
  • Frontend content submission forms – create frontend forms that let users submit content to your site. For example, if you have a job board, you could create a form to let people submit jobs.

Automations and Integrations

Beyond these advanced form types, another area where Gravity Forms excels is in integrating with other tools and setting up simple or advanced automations.

For example, let’s say you have a workflow like this:

  1. A person submits a form.
  2. Your site sends them a confirmation email.
  3. You add them to your CRM with a certain tag based on how they answered the form.
  4. You add a new task in your project management software.

With Gravity Forms, you can set it up so that all of that happens automatically, which can go a long way towards simplifying your workflows.

Gravity Forms offers dedicated integrations with a range of different services:

  • CRMs – including HubSpot, Agile CRM, Zoho CRM, and more.
  • Email marketing services – including Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor, ActiveCampaign, and lots more.
  • Help desks – like Help Scout.
  • Project management software – including Trello and Breeze.
  • Accounting software – like Freshbooks.

For tools where Gravity Forms doesn’t offer a dedicated integration, Gravity Forms still integrates with Zapier and webhooks. This lets you connect to any app that’s available on Zapier (or that supports webhooks in general).

Many other WordPress plugins also offer their own Gravity Forms integrations. For example, Jetpack CRM will integrate with Gravity Forms to create custom lead generation forms that feed into Jetpack CRM.

Conditional Logic

With conditional logic, you can show different form fields or perform different actions based on how a user has filled out a form.

For example, you could start by asking a user a question that provides multiple options and then ask new questions based on the choices made.

Where this gets really powerful, though, is when you use conditional logic in your integrations and automations.

For example, you could send different notifications to different people based on how someone filled out a form. Or, you could apply a different tag in your CRM based on options a user chose.

While this does make planning the form’s flow a little more complicated, this type of conditional logic can help you further automate your workflows in some really useful ways.

Other Notable Features

Here are some other notable features in Gravity Forms:

  • Accessible design – all of the forms that you create with Gravity Forms are accessible, which is essential for not just creating a website that’s accessible for all users, but also complying with regulations such as the USA’s ADA.
  • Multi-page forms – create forms that span multiple pages and let people save their progress.
  • Signature fields – collect real signatures from people who fill out the form.
  • SMS notifications – integrate with Twilio to send SMS notifications upon form submission.
  • Video recordings – using Pipe, you can let visitors record their own custom video as part of your form.
  • Anti-spam features – Gravity Forms includes its own anti-spam features and you can also integrate with third-party solutions such as Akismet and reCAPTCHA.

Can You Use Gravity Forms on

Yes! If you’re on the plugin-enabled plans, you can install Gravity Forms on your site (as well as pretty much any other WordPress plugin).

We’ll show you how to install Gravity Forms on later in this review.

Do You Need Gravity Forms on

If you’re already a user, whether or not you’ll benefit from Gravity Forms really depends on the types of forms that you need to create.

If all you need is simple forms, you can just use the Form block that’s available to all sites.

You only need Gravity Forms if you want to create more advanced types of forms.

Here are some areas where Gravity Forms excels over the Form block:

  • More form types including payment forms, quizzes, and so on.
  • Automations to let you automate actions based on form submissions.
  • Integrations with third-party services like your CRM or email marketing service.
  • Advanced field types like a signature field or file uploads.
  • Conditional logic to display different form fields or perform different automations based on how people answer your form.

How to Create a Form With Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms offers a drag-and-drop form builder, which makes it easy for anyone to create forms.

In this section, we’ll take you through how it works from beginning to end.

If you want to follow along, Gravity Forms offers full-featured demo sites that you can use to test the plugin – you can create one by going to this page.

1. Create a New Form

To create a new form, you can go to Forms → New Form in your WP Admin.

This will prompt you to add a title and description, which is mainly for your own internal use to remember what the form does (though you do have the option of displaying these on the front of your site):

Gravity Forms Review: Is It the Best WordPress Form Plugin? (2)

2. Add Form Fields

Now, Gravity Forms will send you to the drag-and-drop builder.

Gravity Forms divides its form fields into four sections:

  1. Standard Fields
  2. Advanced Fields
  3. Post Fields
  4. Pricing Fields

To add a field to your form, all you need to do is drag it onto the live preview from the sidebar on the right:

Gravity Forms Review: Is It the Best WordPress Form Plugin? (3)

You’ll then see it appear in the visual preview.

To customize an individual field, you can click on it to open its settings in the sidebar. This will let you configure details such as labels, validation, appearance, whether it’s required or not, and more:

Gravity Forms Review: Is It the Best WordPress Form Plugin? (4)

You can repeat the process to add more fields. In addition to input fields, you can also add your own content to help people fill out the form.

Here’s an example of a full form (using the premade Advanced Contact Form template):

Gravity Forms Review: Is It the Best WordPress Form Plugin? (5)

3. Configure Form Settings

Once you’re happy with how your form looks, you can click on the Settings tab to configure all of your form-wide settings.

In the Form Settings tabs, you can configure a bunch of general settings, with some of the most useful ones appearing further down the page.

For example, you can add restrictions to your form:

  • Only allow a certain number of entries.
  • Only let people submit the form on certain days or during certain times of day.
  • Require users to be logged in to submit the form.

You can also set up anti-spam features.

Gravity Forms Review: Is It the Best WordPress Form Plugin? (6)

4. Add Confirmation Messages

In the Confirmations tab, you can set up the confirmation messages that display on your site immediately after someone submits a form.

You can create unlimited confirmations and use conditional logic to control when to display a message.

You can also use merge tags to include information from the form in your message. For example, you could address someone by their name:

Gravity Forms Review: Is It the Best WordPress Form Plugin? (7)

5. Set Up Notifications

In the Notifications tab, you can set up the email notifications that Gravity Forms will send to you, the form submitter, and/or anyone else to whom you want to send a notification.

As with confirmations, you can create unlimited notifications and use conditional logic to control when to send them.

You can also use merge tags to include information from the form in your emails:

Gravity Forms Review: Is It the Best WordPress Form Plugin? (8)

6. Choose How to Handle Personal Data

The Personal Data tab lets you control how to process user data, which is helpful for complying with regulations such as Europe’s GDPR:

Gravity Forms Review: Is It the Best WordPress Form Plugin? (9)

7. Set Up Integrations (Optional)

If you’ve installed the add-on for one of Gravity Forms’ many integrations, you’ll get additional options in the settings area to configure that connection.

For example, if you install the Mailchimp add-on, you’ll get a new Mailchimp tab.

While the exact settings will depend on the integration, you’ll generally be able to choose where to add the form data. If applicable, you’ll also be able to map data from the form fields to the relevant field in your destination tool

For example, you could map the “Name” field from your form to the “Name” field in your email marketing service.

As with all other parts of Gravity Forms, you can also create multiple rules and use conditional logic to control when to use each rule.

8. Embed Your Form

Once you’ve finished setting up your form, you can embed it anywhere on your site using a block or shortcode:

Gravity Forms Review: Is It the Best WordPress Form Plugin? (10)

9. View Form Entries

Once people start submitting your form, you’ll receive email notifications (if you configured them).

Gravity Forms will also store the submissions in your WP Admin. You can view these by going to Forms → Entries:

Gravity Forms Review: Is It the Best WordPress Form Plugin? (11)

You can click on an entry to view it in more detail and you can also export entries to a CSV file if needed.

Gravity Forms Pricing

Gravity Forms only comes in a premium version, which might be a downside if you’re on a tight budget.

There are three pricing plans. Higher-tier plans give you access to more features (via add-ons) and also let you activate the plugin on more WordPress sites:

  • Basic – $59 per year for access to Basic Add-Ons and use on a single site.
  • Pro – $159 per year for access to Basic and Pro Add-Ons and use on up to three sites.
  • Elite – $259 per year for access to Basic, Pro, and Elite Add-Ons and use on unlimited sites.
Gravity Forms Review: Is It the Best WordPress Form Plugin? (12)

Gravity Forms does not offer a free trial. However, they do offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. You can also test the plugin on a live demo site by going to this page.

Gravity Forms Review: Pros and Cons

As we get to the end of our Gravity Forms review, let’s recap some of the pros and cons of using Gravity Forms.


  • Rock-solid and reliable. Gravity Forms is a well-established plugin that has built a strong reputation when it comes to stability and reliability. This is very important in a form plugin as any issues or bugs that affect an important form could have major consequences.
  • Flexible. You can use Gravity Forms to create pretty much any type of form, from basic contact forms all the way up to payment forms, quizzes, surveys, and more.
  • Strong automations. The core Gravity Forms plugin is already strong at automating workflows. And if that’s not enough, you can find third-party plugins that give you even more flexibility.
  • Dedicated integrations. While Gravity Forms does support Zapier and webhooks, one of its strong points is that it also offers dedicated integrations for a lot of services. This lets you avoid using a third-party intermediary in your integrations (and it might also save you some money because you won’t need to pay for Zapier).
  • Huge third-party extension marketplace. While Gravity Forms is already packed with features, there’s also a massive marketplace of third-party extensions that can add even more features, automations, and more.
  • Good at payments. Gravity Forms is very strong when it comes to payments. Some people even use it as a lightweight eCommerce solution, which can be helpful for very simple setups where you don’t need the full power of WooCommerce.


  • No free version. Because Gravity Forms only comes in a premium version, it might not be the best option if you’re on a really tight budget. This is especially true if you just need a simple contact form as there are free solutions to do that (such as the Form block).
  • Limited templates. Gravity Forms doesn’t offer a built-in template library like many other form plugins. There is a limited template library on the website, but you need to manually import the templates. In contrast, Formidable Forms offers 170+ premade templates for all types of forms and you can insert them right from your WP Admin.
  • No conversational forms (e.g. Typeform). Gravity Forms only handles “traditional” web forms. It can’t create more conversational types of forms like Typeform’s interface or a pseudo live chat interface. This is something that some other form plugins have started offering and it can be a more engaging way of collecting information from people. There are some third-party add-ons that can help you *kind of* achieve this, though, such as BeautyForm Styler or Gravity Forms Supercharge Add-On.

How to Install Gravity Forms on

If you want to use Gravity Forms on your site, you’ll need to be on the plugin-enabled plans so that you have the ability to install your own plugins.

If you’re not already on one of those plans, you can upgrade your plan with just a few clicks. Or, if you’re not quite ready to upgrade yet, you can still create forms using the built-in Form block that offers.

Once you’ve verified that you’re on the plugin-enabled plans, here’s how to install Gravity Forms…

To begin, you’ll want to make sure that you’ve purchased Gravity Forms. Once you make your purchase, you can download the main plugin from the Gravity Forms dashboard. It should be a single file with the .zip extension.

Next, go to Plugins → Add New in your WP Admin and click the Upload button:

Gravity Forms Review: Is It the Best WordPress Form Plugin? (13)

On the next screen, drag the Gravity Forms zip file from your computer into the upload field to install it on your site:

Gravity Forms Review: Is It the Best WordPress Form Plugin? (14)

Now, you’ll wait for a few seconds while uploads and installs the plugin. Once it finishes, you should see a success screen:

Gravity Forms Review: Is It the Best WordPress Form Plugin? (15)

Gravity Forms uses an add-on model, which means that it contains many of its features in separate add-on plugins. This helps you keep your site lightweight by picking and choosing only the exact features that you want to use.

To simplify installing these add-ons, Gravity Forms offers its own add-on installer. You can find this by going to Forms → Add-Ons in your WP Admin. You can also manually install Gravity Forms add-on plugins just like you did the main Gravity Forms plugin.

Is Gravity Forms the Best WordPress Form Plugin?

At this point, you probably have a pretty good idea of whether or not Gravity Forms is right for you. But if not, here’s a basic summary of when and when not to use Gravity Forms.

Let’s start with the “not” part.

If you just need a simple contact form that sends you an email when there’s a new submission, Gravity Forms is probably not the best option for your needs. Of course, Gravity Forms is quite capable of handling this use case – Gravity Forms is very reliable for all types of forms, including contact forms.

However, some great free solutions already exist for creating contact forms, so there’s not really much benefit in spending the money for Gravity Forms.

If you’re using, you can use the built-in Form block. If you have a self-hosted WordPress site, you can use the Form block in Jetpack or one of the many free form plugins listed at

Where Gravity Forms excels is if you need to create more complex forms beyond basic contact forms. Here are some examples:

  • Automations – maybe you want to automatically create a task in your project management software when someone submits a form.
  • Advanced form types – maybe you want to create a payment form, a survey, a frontend content submission form that lets people submit guest posts to your site, and so on.
  • Integrations – maybe you want to automatically add people to your CRM or email marketing service.
  • Conditional logic – maybe you want to display different fields or perform different automations depending on how people answered your form.

For those more advanced use cases, Gravity Forms is absolutely one of the best plugins that you’ll find, which is why it’s such a popular option with experienced WordPress developers and implementers.

Its vibrant third-party extension marketplace also gives you a lot of flexibility for adding even more functionality.

For example, GravityView lets you display form submissions on the frontend of your site and Gravity Flow lets you create even more advanced automation workflows.

If you dig around, you can probably find a Gravity Forms add-on that can help you do pretty much anything, which, on top of the core functionality, is a big part of why Gravity Forms is so successful.

Gravity Forms Review: Is It the Best WordPress Form Plugin? (2024)


Gravity Forms Review: Is It the Best WordPress Form Plugin? ›

For those more advanced use cases, Gravity Forms is absolutely one of the best plugins that you'll find, which is why it's such a popular option with experienced WordPress developers and implementers. Its vibrant third-party extension marketplace also gives you a lot of flexibility for adding even more functionality.

What is better than Gravity Forms? ›

Other important factors to consider when researching alternatives to Gravity Forms include integration and email. We have compiled a list of solutions that reviewers voted as the best overall alternatives and competitors to Gravity Forms, including Jotform, Typeform, WPForms, and Microsoft Forms.

Is Gravity Forms worth it? ›

Drag and drop form builder for Wordpress

I highly recommend Gravity Forms for anyone in need of a professional and reliable form builder. Its robust features and ease of use make it a top choice for website owners looking to enhance their website's functionality and user experience.

What is the most popular form builder for WordPress? ›

WPForms. WPForms is the best form builder for WordPress. It has 4+ million active installations around the world and for good reason. To get started, there are 1500+ pre-built form templates such as WordPress contact forms, registration forms, order forms, survey forms, donation forms, and more.

What is more powerful than gravity? ›

As suggested by its name, the strong force is the strongest of the fundamental forces. It is about 100 times stronger than electromagnetism and 100 trillion trillion trillion times stronger than gravity. However, the strong force only has influence over very, very small distances.

Is Gravity Forms a one time purchase? ›

Gravity Forms Pricing

Basic License: $59 per year * Elite License: $259 per year * Pro License: $159 per year * * Gravity Forms updates and support are provided only for the duration of an active Gravity Forms subscription. Renews Annually. Cancel Anytime.

What is the fastest form plugin for WordPress? ›

Fluent Forms - The Fastest WordPress Form Builder.

What is the best free form plugin for WordPress? ›

WPForms is the best free form builder plugin for WordPress. It's a beginner-friendly contact form plugin that's easy to use, even if you're completely new to WordPress. Millions of people already use WPForms for their contact forms. It has 6+ million active installations and 12+ thousand 5-star reviews.

What is the easy form builder for WordPress? ›

Easy Form Builder offers a variety of templates and examples to help you create customized forms for your website, whether it's for contact, survey, payment, or private purposes. Its easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface allows you to create forms in minutes and seamlessly embed them into any WordPress page or post.

Why use Gravity Forms in WordPress? ›

Gravity Forms is a WordPress plugin that primarily allows you to create flexible forms to use on a web page. Beyond just simple forms, Gravity Forms also allows you to create significantly more advanced forms with features for saving, adding logic e-commerce and much more.

How many websites use Gravity Forms? ›

According to BuiltWith, there are 990,513 live websites currently using Gravity Form. Gravity Form is a WordPress plugin that lets you create custom forms the way you want. This contact form comes with a paid version.

How secure is Gravity Forms? ›

Entries. The entry data is not encrypted. This means you should not use Gravity Forms to store very sensitive data like credit card details or passwords that could result in serious issues in the event of a data breach.

What is the most sold WordPress plugin? ›

  • Yoast SEO. Yoast has been helping WordPress site owners drive more traffic from search engines since 2010. ...
  • WooCommerce. If you ask us, there's no better way to build an online store than with WooCommerce. ...
  • Google Site Kit. ...
  • Elementor. ...
  • All in One SEO Pack. ...
  • WPForms. ...
  • WP Headers and Footers. ...
  • Jetpack Boost.
Jan 5, 2024

Is anything better than WordPress? ›

1. Shopify. Shopify is the leading WordPress alternative for online eCommerce stores. It's a robust platform designed exclusively for creating eCommerce stores with many features that make life easier for store owners.

Is WordPress still the best CMS? ›

While there are other CMS platforms available, WordPress remains on top due to its continuous development and improvements, making it a go-to choice for website owners and managers. If you're considering a CMS platform for your website, WordPress should definitely be at the top of your list!

Is gravity the weakest or strongest? ›

Gravitational Force: Gravity is the weakest force as its coupling constant is small in value. Gravity cannot be felt by us in daily life because of the huge universe surrounding us. The electromagnetic force is undoubtedly stronger as it deals with microscopic particles (electrons, protons).

Is gravity blox fruit good? ›

This fruit is generally considered a very hard fruit to master in PvP but has decent combo potential, stuns and damage. It's not recommended using this fruit for grinding in any sea due to its high mastery requirements, knockback, and mostly small hitbox.

What would create the strongest gravity? ›

According to Sir Isaac Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation, the gravitational attraction between two bodies is stronger when the masses of the objects are greater and closer together. This rule applies to the Earth's gravitational field as well.

What is the difference between Gravity Forms and formidable forms? ›

Formidable Forms offers different addons and integration features. Most of the additional features are similar to WPForms and Gravity Forms. However, what makes Formidable Forms different is that you get several powerful features to create advanced forms, set up web applications, show stats on the front end, and more.


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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

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Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.