Enderal Console Commands - Updated 2023 (2024)

In the world of videogames there are titles so complete and successful that we could hardly find something better; however, there are some exceptions. This is the case that we bring today with one of the most important mods in The Elder of Scroll V as It is Enderal. One so big and complete that it is considered an expansion of the game and, as such, brings a series of special tricks. So in HDGamers we were forced to bring all the Enderal console commands.

With them we can achieve something that seemed impossible; find something that makes a game better that, by itself, was already quite complete. Therefore, it is very difficult not to be tempted to enjoy a unique gaming experience in the role-playing genre.

What is Enderal?

At this point it is important to remember that The Elder of Scroll is one of the most iconic sagas in the role-playing video game genre. A quality that allows you to boast of having a series of mods spectacular.

This is where we find a mod as particular as Enderal. What makes this file so special is the length and variety of its content that gives the impression of being a true expansion of the game itself.

What are Enderal console commands?

Beyond having new caves and missions for The Elder of Scroll, this mod type expansion brings us new console commands < / strong> exclusive from Enderal. A trait that makes it one of the most important and popular in the entire series.

Earlier in HDGamers, we discussed some cheats from previous versions of this game. So the concept of these commands is not foreign to this mod.

In this sense, we can see them as a series of cheat codes that are only executable within the mod in the game; that is, if you don’t have Enderal installed, you won’t be able to run these tricks.

How do I use the Enderal console commands?

That said, in order to enjoy all the Enderal console commands it will be enough to learn how to open the developer console and start typing them. To do this, it is as simple as pressing the Tilde key.

As in the original game and previous versions, a dialogue window will open where you will have to type these tricks and press Enter to start running.

The Enderal console commands

After knowing the concept and how to activate the Enderal console commands, it is the ideal time to discover what these tricks will be that will make our trip an adventure full of mysteries and fun.

AddShout (Shoud ID)

  • If you want to add the selected scream from the list of skills ID of the player character enable this code.

AdvSkill (((((Skill) skill)) | skill))) (#)

  • Enabling this code gives the player character the specified # amount of skill-based experience points. The amount varies depending on the skills selected.


  • You need to change the field of view use this instruction.

ModAV carryweight (#)

  • Activate this key if required. Set the transport weight of the player character to the number # specified.

player.additem 0000000f & amp; Value; # 8220 & # 8221;

  • Enable this command to add an amount # of Added Gold Value.

player.additem 0000000f & amp; Value; # 8220 & amp; # 8221

  • If you open this code add a value # to lockpicks.

Player.AddItem (item ID) (#)

  • Activating this command adds the quantity # of the selected item to the player character’s inventory.

player.additem 0000000f X

  • Activate this command to receive the X amount of money or gold you want.

Player.AddItem 0000000a X </ strong>

  • Redeem this instruction to get locks by substituting the X for the number of locks you want to receive.

Player.AddPerk (perk ID)

  • This command grants the specified perk to the player character.

Player.PlaceAtMe (Item / NPC ID) (#)

  • By activating this key, the item or NPC (Item ID) is generated near the player character and in the quantity # selected.


  • You require fully restored health to activate this key.

Player.SetLevel (#)

  • With the application of this key the level of the player character is modified to the number # specified. It does not grant the equivalent XP.

Player.sqs (mission id)

  • By activating this key, all the screens of a mission are revealed, it is the same as the previous one but without the objective number.


  • Apply this key if you need to remove all objects.


  • You need to resurrect an NPC. Activate this code after opening the console you must click on the NPC.

Set PlayerExp to X

  • This command is used to add X amount of experience points to the player character.

SetStage (mission id) X

  • If you enable this command you can skip the screen of the selected mission (mission id) and replace X with the objective.


  • If you need a gender change, enable this command.

sucsm & amp; Value; # 8220 & # 8221;

  • By applying this code the speed # of camera movement is set.


  • Applying this trick you can neutralize all the NPCs in the game but remember that you type it once to activate it and once to deactivate it.


  • You need to walk through walls with the application of this key you will activate / deactivate Ghost mode.


  • You want to switch to the free camera for an authentic gaming experience or screenshots you must enable this command.


  • Enabling this command will eliminate the grass and with its reactivation the grass returns.


  • Use it to alternately enable / disable God mode, that is, you will be invincible plus you will have infinite energy and mana.


  • Activated this command will make you immortal, like the previous one, but without energy and infinite mana.


  • If you need to delete the trees, apply this code and if you want the trees, activate it again by typing tt.


  • This key opens / closes the water.


  • Use this command to release locked doors and chests.

Latest recommendations

Now that you know all the Enderal console commands you might think that you already have a strong ally on your journey; however, it is not entirely true. This is because they keep a dark secret that you must know.

The point is that overuse of these tricks can cause a catastrophic error in the game code. A situation that can lead to continuous errors that generate the abrupt closure of the program.

On the other hand, these commands are only available on the PC platform. So it will be practically impossible to use them on the console. A real bonus for computer gamers.

Before you finish, remember to visit some of our most read articles:

  • Raft Console Commands
  • Outer Worlds Console Commands
  • Pillars of Eternity 2 Console Commands
  • Mass Effect 2 Console Commands
  • CSGO Console Commands

We hope you have enjoyed this post and that you found the information you were looking for. If you think that we should update any information about Enderal Console Commands or that we have made a mistake, do not hesitate to write to us!

Enderal Console Commands - Updated 2023 (2024)


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